Monday, December 14, 2009

Mom's Book and other fun

You have probably all seen it already, but if not Mom has out a new book. It's a family record keeper that helps you organize all sorts of details. Birthdays, immunizations, etc... I've been wanting one for years. If you haven't seen it, check out for a contest, more information and links to her site about it. Her site for the book is

In other excitement, we finally finished unpacking the downstairs boxes Saturday. This partially involved repacking some of the items into other boxes and moving them upstairs. We also put up some outside lights and a bit of Christmas decor inside. Most of Christmas is purchased and ready to go. We still need to finish up the present for John and Cynthia's family, wrap everything, and mail those items that need to be mailed, but we're getting there.

1 comment:

Moo said...

Good job unpacking your stuff! At this rate, Maybe you'll be ready for the baby in another year :)