Thursday, November 22, 2012

Turkey Pics

Thanks Moo!

Saying "Cheese"

Today Jr2 put the turkey shirt on himself.  He put it on backwards.  We decided it was appropriate, since it looked like the turkey was running away.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Latest News

Jr3 now says quite a few words and some phrases including "outside", "shoes on", "socks on" and "puppy".  She is also starting to assert her fashion independence.  She will bring me bows to put in her hair and pick out socks to wear (today she wore two pairs at once).

Jr2 still likes cleaning and driving the car.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Jr2 was a cowboy / farmer this year.  Levis, a John Deere shirt, cowboy boot slippers and at the ward party he had a big silver (aluminum foil) belt buckle.  I don't think they sell cowboy hats in this state.

Jr3 was a ballerina (ward party) / elephant in a ballerina tutu (halloween).  So the elephant wasn't finished, but it was enough if we pointed it out you could tell.  I'm going to try and finally finish it in time for Christmas.

The pictures we took were somehow deleted, so I'm going to try and dress them up again sometime soon and take another picture.  (I was going to try for tonight, but Jr3 got the elephant suit dirty and it needs to be decontaminated before she wears it again.)